Looking Good With A Fake Sun Tan For Busy Professionals

By Haywood Hunter

There are many benefits to a fake sun tan. The most important factor for most people are the health advantages. Time in the sun may be fun and enjoyable, but it is crucial to take some simple precautions to stay safe. Using a good sun block is the first step. A hat that covers the face and neck is also a great idea. Doctors are also recommending that people avoid the hottest part of the day, typically between two and four in the afternoon when the UV rays are at their strongest.

Many people are now listening to the publicity surrounding skin cancer. This form of cancer has seen a dramatic increase in the number of cases and can often be deadly. Having a fake sun tan is becoming increasingly popular because it looks great, but does not have any of the health issues associated with a typical tan.

The most important thing to remember is sunblock. This should be applied at least twenty minuets before going out and reapplied after swimming. A wide brimmed hat is also an important accessory and there are plenty of fun and fashionable options to wear. For those who heed the warnings and take care, a fake sun tan is the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors and still look great.

The new fake sun tan products use a substance called DHA. This is a three sugar carbon that has no color of its own. However, when it is applied to skin, it reacts with the surface cells and causes the skin to darken. When first using the products it is important to only go a shade darker that the natural skin color.

Getting a fake sun tan is very easy. Many salons now offer this service and trained technicians are available to help. They begin by exfoliating the skin to remove dead cells. This is because rough dry skin absorbs more of the solution. Correct preparation will ensure the best result and an even tan.

The fake sun tan solution is applied using an air brush spray. This allows for a nice even coat to be sprayed onto the skin. The air brush technology is simple yet effective and the entire tan can be done quickly.

Some people like to have a touch up and use the tanning booths. They can step inside and be sprayed with a thin coat of DHA solution to keep their tan in great shape. One of the beauties of fake sun tan treatments is that each person can control the depth of their tan. They can begin with just a light color, and gradually develop a darker tan as the weeks go by. This will give them a very natural look.

Getting a fake sun tan is perfect for those who want to look great, but without the risk of skin damage or even cancer. It is also a lot quicker than spending hours lying in the sun. This is perfect for busy young professionals, especially when they have an important event such as a wedding or reunion to attend.

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